Message Category
reserved word that the client needs to create an id on the server. This is a necessary step for signaling communication.
sId type is String.
reserved word that the client needs to create a session on the server. This is a necessary step for communication 'call' request.
opponentId represents the sId of the other to communicate with.
reserved word that is required when the client makes a communication call request to the server.
offer represents the sdp obtained using webrtc client API. sessionId indicates the id of created session.
reserved word that is required when the client makes a communication accept request to the server.
answer represents the sdp obtained using webrtc client API. sessionId indicates the id that was received.
reserved word that is required when the client makes a communication denial request to the server.
sessionId indicates the id that was received.
reserved word that is required when the client makes a communication stop request to the server.
sessionId indicates the id of the created or received.
reserved word that the server unilaterally sends to the client. Occurs when two clients are communicating and one client is disconnected due to various problems, (e.g. network outage) the other party receives this .
sessionId indicates the id of the created or received.
reserved word that is required when a client sends an candidate returned from a turn server to the server.
icecandidate indicates candidate returned from a turn server. sessionId indicates the id of the created or received.
Clu (client list update)
reserved word that server sends unilaterally to the client. Occurs when the client list is updated.
list indicates an array of objects containing the client's sId and state. state has a state value of 1 (WAIT), 2(CALLING). The client only receives and does not receive while in a call.
Ssu (session state update)
reserved word that occurs when a session created or received by the client is updated.
state has state values of 1(NEW), 2(PENDING), 3(ACTIVE), 4(CLOSED).
1(NEW): occurs when session creation is successful.
2(PENDING): occurs when communication request(call) occurs.
3(ACTIVE): occurs when communication accepted.
4(CLOSED): occurs when communication is terminated(reject, stop) or disconnected(leave).
reserved word that the client needs to send a message to other clients.
type indicates the notification type to be transmitted. you can use it at will.
reserved word when an error occurs on the server. The client will only receive it.
See the link below for the error code.
code indicates the error code that occurred.
Last updated
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